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Welcome to

Side Hustle Students

If you are here, you have probably been searching for effective ways to make money online.

We have spent the better part of the last decade looking for reliable income streams that require little to no effort, but unless you already have the capital to invest, it's unlikely you will succeed. Unfortunately, there is no real way to get rich quickly online, and any site telling you otherwise is trying to pull one over on you. 


But just because you can't get rich quickly doesn't mean you can't make a bit extra every month. Most people would love to make an extra $300 a month. Will that pay all your bills? Probably not, but it can give you that extra buffer, and if you implement a bunch of the tips and sites into a planned strategy, you can build some fairly decent passive income as well. 


As with most things, how much you earn will largely depend on how much time you have and how efficiently you use the information provided here. Some people make only $5 a week, and some make $500 a week; I suggest starting small and work up to what you're comfortable with $5 a week may seem like nothing, but it's far better to earn a constant $5 a week than to go all out and earn $50 in the first week only to give up due to burning out.


Note* The site will look sparse for a while we wanted to stay away from big flashing annoying ads. 

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